An officially recognised veterinary Specialist is an individual who has completed an advanced supervised training programme in their field of expertise and achieved Diploma status in that field.

To be eligible to take the Diploma examinations vets must fulfil stringent criteria and demonstrate that, not only have they completed an advanced training programme (minimum of 4 years) but also demonstrate their involvement in research and that they have publications in peer reviewed journals. Each specialist has passed an in depth examination usually lasting over several days. All of our specialists have taken the European Diploma exams in their field of expertise. Furthermore most of them have received recognition of their expertise by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and are listed on the RCVS Specialist rota. To be included on the List of Recognised Specialists, an individual must have achieved a postgraduate qualification at least at Diploma level, and must additionally satisfy the RCVS that they make an active contribution to their specialty, have national and international acclaim and publish widely in their field. Specialist status is extremely difficult to achieve and to maintain and is the highest level of recognition of expertise that can be attained in clinical veterinary work.

What our clients say


In all my dealings with the hospital, from helpful and friendly receptionists to dedicated nursing staff to expert surgeons and friendly but very professional vets, I’ve never been disappointed in the treatment I’ve received.

— Jeanne Carr