At the initial consultation the veterinary surgeon will discuss the investigation and treatment options with you and provide you with an estimate of costs. The nature of the specialist care that we provide and the specialist equipment we use means that these costs are often greater than you might expect from your first-opinion practice.

Our Terms of Business are that full payment must be made before  or at the time of your horse’s discharge , unless you are a registered first opinion client and have an authorised account with us in which case payment must be made within 10 days of presentation of the monthly invoice.

We accept most types of credit and debit cards but do not accept American Express.

Should you find yourself in a position where you are unable to pay your account within 10 days please contact the accounts office as soon as possible, so we may assist you to make suitable arrangements.

The Practice will charge interest on any overdue accounts at a rate of 2.5% per month, compound.  If the involvement of a third party debt agency or The County Court becomes necessary you will be responsible for all agency / collection fees incurred.


Please note the role of the insurance company is to reimburse you for fees incurred for veterinary treatment.

If your horse is insured, it is your responsibility to contact your insurance company before your horse’s appointment. If your horse is admitted as an emergency at night, at the weekend or on a Bank Holiday you should notify your insurance company as soon as possible after admission. You will need to check with your insurance company about your level of cover, any exclusions that might apply and what excess you will need to pay. We will do our best to help with this process but insurance companies often prefer to deal with the policyholder.

Irrespective of whether your horse is insured for veterinary fees, we ask that you settle your account at or before collection of your horse and that you claim back the costs from your insurance company. Please ask your insurance company for an insurance claim form and give it to one of our receptionists or the veterinary surgeon attending your horse. We will complete the insurance form for you and send off the form on your behalf and your insurance company will reimburse you directly

Although we do not routinely make direct claims from insurance companies, they can be arranged with certain insurance companies under certain circumstances, provided that you discuss this with us, either prior to your appointment or on your arrival, before your initial consultation with the vet and prior to any investigations or treatment being undertaken. Direct claims cannot be requested at the time of collection of your horse , after treatment has already been given.

In addition, at the time of making the first direct claim, we ask for a down-payment of any excess specified on your insurance policy, regardless of whether you believe that this may already have been paid – any overpayment will be promptly refunded.

Please note that you will be liable for any shortfall in fees which is not covered by your insurance company.

If you anticipate any difficulty with payment please telephone the Accounts Department (01428 725309) in advance to discuss whether alternative arrangements are possible.

For further information about equine insurance click here

What our clients say


My experience of each and every vet and member of staff, the attention to detail and the first class level of care to my horses, my husband and me and my clients has been fantastic

— Mrs. Yvonne Nailor, Dressage rider/ trainer and livery yard owner