Spotted today – Sycamore seedlings!

Atypical myopathy (also known as seasonal pasture myopathy) is a highly fatal muscle disease in horses in the UK and Northern Europe. This distressing disease results in degradation of respiratory, cardiac (heart) and postural muscles. Affected horses show signs of weakness, muscle trembling and pain, and even with intensive veterinary and nursing treatment, the majority of affected horses will die. To make things worse, multiple horses from one field or yard can be affected. The best way to minimise your horse’s risk of atypical myopathy is to reduce the chance of them ingesting sycamore seeds. For further information click here.

Our Spring 2019 e-newsletter is out now and packed full of information.

Our Spring 2019 e-newsletter is out now and packed full of information.

What’s inside this issue:

– Suzy Hall wins our ‘Vet of the Year’
– Liphook wins ‘Best in the world’ for MRI
– A guide to Equine Artificial Insemination
– Spring Into Action – Spring health preparations
– The Equine Eye – A guide to the equine eye
– Equine Dental Check-Ups – Why prevention is better than cure
Plus much more….

To make sure you don’t miss out, sign up to our e-newsletter by emailing

Weekend Grooms Required

We are seeking to employ additional, hardworking and enthusiastic individuals to work within our state-of-the-art equine hospital based in Liphook, Hampshire. You will be responsible for providing first class care for horses, ponies and donkeys. Applicants must have a proven record of excellent horse handling, horse care and top-class stable management, plus experience of working in a professional yard. We require reliable, conscientious, self-motivated applicants with extremely high standards. Nursing skills are not required.

Hours are from 7am until 1pm, both Saturday’s and Sunday’s.

Please apply in writing to Amy Britcher – Yard Manager enclosing your CV and the names of at least two referees by post to Liphook Equine Hospital, Forest Mere, Liphook, GU30 7JG or by email to

Equine Veterinary CPD – Tuesday 19th March 2019


WE ARE NOW FULLY BOOKED! Please email, if you would like to be added to the waitlist

Liphook Equine Hospital are pleased to announce the date of our first Equine Veterinary CPD of 2019. The event will take place on Tuesday 19thMarch at Liphook Equine Hospital, and is very kindly supported by Boehringer Ingelheim. To book your FREE place, please contact our hospital reception team on: 01428 727200, or via email to Numbers are limited!


Please click on the following link for more information:

CPD 19th January 2019



Equine influenza outbreaks

Everyone will no doubt be aware of the increasing number of ‘flu outbreaks in the UK this year and, more concerningly, reports from Newmarket involving infection in vaccinated horses. Given recent history it is assumed that the recent outbreaks involve Florida clade 1 virus.

In view of the evidence of infection in vaccinated horses, it is crucial that an accurate message is given to horse owners to avoid loss of confidence in vaccination which will make the situation even worse. In this respect it is important to realise that it is not simply a case of vaccine failure, and we should point out that:

1) vaccinated horses tend to be more susceptible towards the end of the vaccine interval (that is when the next booster is due), and,

2) vaccinated horses tend to have less severe clinical signs, if any all.

We should advise that any horse that has not received a vaccine containing a Florida Clade 1 strain within the last 3-6 months receives a booster ASAP. This is likely to offer good clinical protection.


WARNING – Equine influenza outbreaks in the UK

There have been an increasing number of equine influenza outbreaks in the UK this year and recent reports from Newmarket have involved some vaccinated horses which has led to cancellation of race meetings. The H3N8 Florida clade 1 influenza virus strain appears to be the main current threat in the UK. Not all UK equine ‘flu vaccine brands contain this strain but we are happy to confirm that Liphook Equine Hospital has been using a vaccine brand containing this strain ever since it became available about 10 years ago (Proteq-flu).

It is crucial that the news of vaccinated horses becoming infected with ‘flu is not misinterpreted as evidence that the vaccine doesn’t work. There are 2 important points to remember in this respect:

1) Vaccinated horses tend to have very mild clinical signs, if any all,


2) It is generally those horses where their last vaccine was given more than 6 months previously that might be susceptible to infection.

Therefore, it is our advice that any horse that has not received a booster within the last 3-6 months is given a booster as soon as possible.

Please feel free to speak to one of our vets for further clarification regarding your horse’s situation, or call reception to arrange a booster vaccination.

We are recruiting for a Night Nurse!

We are looking for an enthusiastic person to join our night nursing team based at our state- of-the-art specialist equine hospital in Liphook.

We are seeking a candidate with a proven record of excellent horse care and stable management, in a professional yard. We require a reliable, conscientious, self-motivated applicant. Nursing experience is desirable, although not essential, as full training will be provided. The position is full-time, working nights on a 4 on 4 off basis. Training will take place over several months on the day shift and you must therefore be available to work days for the initial part of your contract moving onto nights only when training is complete and you have demonstrated the required skills for night working. You will also periodically be required to do a minimum of one month on the day shift to provide respite from night working and so that training can be refreshed. The night shift will include weekends and bank holidays as required.

The role is based at the hospital in Liphook and due to the rural location access to your own transport is essential.

Please apply in writing to Amy Britcher – Yard Manager enclosing your CV and the names of at least two referees by post to Liphook Equine Hospital, Forest Mere, Liphook, GU30 7JG or by email to, by 15th February 2019.

February Vaccination Amnesty Month! Stamping on Flu Together! FREE VACCINATION OFFER!

Equine Influenza is both extremely infectious and contagious and so the best way of stopping both your horse and other horses from becoming infected is to vaccinate.

As a disease the signs of flu can vary from a few days of running a high temperature accompanied by the classic snotty nose and harsh dry cough, to serious life-threatening infections.

“Why should I vaccinate?”
Firstly, your horse will feel exactly the same as we do when we have the flu – rotten. Also, in becoming infected your horse stands a real chance of infecting many others with the virus. Finally, as you are all probably aware, to compete your horse you will need an up to date passport demonstrating your horse’s up to date vaccination status.

We are often complacent about this disease because we expect horses to be vaccinated. However, the proportion of horses vaccinated in the UK falls well below that which is required to prevent a major disease outbreak. Should a major outbreak occur with a new virus strain then unvaccinated horses will suffer severe and potentially fatal diseases and vaccinated horses may also be affected. Multiple small outbreaks occur every year in the UK, and major outbreaks have occurred before and may well occur again.

In February, we will be running a vaccination amnesty campaign to help protect as many unvaccinated/overdue horses as possible.

During the month of February, all horses, ponies and donkeys starting their vaccination course will receive the 2nd vaccination FREE OF CHARGE!***

To book an appointment or for further information, please call our reception team on 01428 723594

***Vaccine cost only, visit fees still apply. The offer is only open to horses that are over 9 months of age and have not yet been vaccinated against equine influenza or are overdue an annual booster. First vaccination to take place in February.


Liphook Equine Hospital would like to invite you to an Equine Lecture Evening on Thursday 7th March 2019

Equine Lecture Evening – The latest thinking on three key areas of horse and veterinary care 

Thursday 7th March 2019 

Doors open 6.30pm / Prompt 7pm start 

Venue: Lythe Hill Hotel, Petworth Rd, Haslemere, GU27 3BQ 


A guide to equine nutrition 

Julie Potier DVM,MRCVS 

Knowledge of your horse’s body condition score is essential to achieve an ideal diet. Julie will describe how to accurately assess your horse’s body condition score, with some examples. She will also be discussing nutritional guidelines, which will enable your horse to reach an ideal body condition. 


Filling the gaps- a modern approach to equine dentistry 

Tom McGinley BVMS Cert AVP (Equine Dentistry) MRCVS 

Recent advances in equine dentistry have led to the development of several new treatments. Restorative procedures (‘fillings’) are now possible and can help to prevent disease progression and the need for tooth extraction. Tom will discuss infundibular caries, a common condition affecting equine cheek teeth and the merits of infundibular restoration in such cases. 


Behavioural therapy for needle phobic horses 

Holly Lenaghan BVetMed MRCVS 

At Liphook Equine Hospital we frequently see horses who are needle shy, showing aversive and occasionally dangerous behaviour. A simple vaccination can turn into a hugely stressful event for the horse, it’s owner and the vet. Using Learning Theory we can re-train these horses to accept adverse stimuli such as needles, utilising how horses learn to change their behaviour in a calm and positive manor. Holly will talk us through the procedure of clicker training, which she has used very successfully on some of our most difficult cases.


To book your FREE place, please contact our reception team on: 01428 723594, or via email to 

Please click HERE to view the poster

Essentials of Equine Practice course: Friday 7th – Sunday 9th June 2019

This event is now fully booked! We do have a wait list. Please contact

Do you have any members of the practice that would be interested in attending our Essentials of Equine Practice course?

This is a 3-day residential course held at West Dean College, Chichester, and at the Liphook Equine Hospital. The course is aimed for recent graduates and more experienced colleagues wishing to refresh their knowledge of general equine practice. The course is also suitable for final year veterinary students. The course focuses exclusively on what you need to know in ambulatory equine practice and has a very practical emphasis.

There is a charge of £495 which includes 2 nights’ accommodation, food and entertainment for all 3 days.

For further information please click here.

If you would like to book a place (or places), please complete a booking form. For further information please email
