Congratulations to Jock Paget and Clifton Promise

Congratulations to our client Jock Paget and Clifton Promise on being selected as part of the New Zealand Eventing Team for the World Equestrian Games. 

The WEG will take place in Normandy from the 23rd August to the 7th September 2014.

(Pictured is one of our road vets Huw Griffiths with Jock and Promise)

Free Ulcer Check at Liphook Equine Hospital!

As part of this year’s Gastric Ulcer Awareness Month (GUAM) in May Liphook Equine Hospital are holding a gastroscopy clinic for clients who suspect their horse may have ulcers, or believe them to be at risk.
A gastroscopy usually costs  around £180.00 but sponsorship from Merial Equine means that for horses attending the scoping day we can offer it free of charge.
Gastric ulcers are thought to be one of the most under-recognised conditions in horses:  With a prevalence of 60% in performance horses and 40% in leisure horses, it’s important that those with the condition are diagnosed and treated.
Horses are designed as trickle feeders and so, unlike humans, they produce gastric acid continuously even when they are not eating. Ad lib forage and associated saliva production will help to neutralise the acid, however stabling, exercise, feeding regimes and stress can leave the stomach vulnerable to ulcers developing.
Signs of ulcers can include some or all of the following: Reluctance to work or jump; dull ‘starey’ coat; poor or picky appetite; weight loss; colic; discomfort on girth tightening and salivation and teeth grinding in foals.
The clinic is being held on  Tuesday 27th May 2014 at Liphook Equine Hospital. If you would like to bring your horse along, please call  Julie Paddock on  01428 727200 to book a place – booking is essential. Places are limited and will be secured on a first come first served basis.
For more information you can also visit the practice website on
(Please note the cost of sedation and gastroguard is not included)

Sale of Home Park Estate

Our long time landlord Graham Thompson has decided to place his entire property, Home Park Estate, on the market.  The sale will include the land on which the Liphook Equine Hospital is situated but the Practice is secure in a very long term lease and thus there is no risk to the business nor change of interest in the Partnership itself. Please be assured that it is “business as usual” for the Practice.

This month Tim Phillips, a Partner & Surgeon at Liphook Equine Hospital will be taking part in the Scottish Islands Peaks Race!

The race is a non-stop sailing and fell-running adventure that takes place annually over 3-4 days each May. Teams of five set sail from Oban and (hopefully) cross the finishing line in Troon 160 nautical miles later, having navigated the daunting Corryvrechan and Mull of Kintyre overfalls in the process. Along the way stops at Mull, Jura and Arran deposit the runners to climb and descend 11,500 feet over 60 miles across Ben More, the Paps and Goat Fell respectively. 
Storm Force is a team of four vets, including Tim Phillips and Charles Williams from Springfield Veterinary Surgery, Midhurst, competing in this year’s race. As well as the challenge, the purpose is to raise funds for worthy causes and Storm Force are supporting two charities – Canine Partners and For We Are Mad 4 Africa. If anybody would like to donate this would be much appreciated and the relevant links can be found at

We would like to welcome Katherine Wright to the house vet team.

Katherine graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2012, and went on to spend the next year working in a mixed practice in Cambridgeshire, before moving to an equine and small animal practice in Buckinghamshire. In her spare time Katherine enjoys running and baking.

Liphook Equine Hospital would like you to join us for a fascinating and educational evening on:’Keeping Your Sports Horse on the Road’

Tuesday 13th May 2014
Doors Open at 7pm
Venue: Bisley Pavillion, Bisley Camp, Woking, Brookwood, Surrey GU24 0NY
Keeping your sports horse fit, strong and healthy all year round can be a challenge.  We look forward to welcoming you to an evening of talks aimed at maximising performance, minimising injury, and optimising recovery to ensure a successful competition season for the amateur to the professional rider and from the novice to the advanced sports horse.
Stuart Duncan BVMS CertEP MRCVS
Stuart is a Senior Partner and Road Vet at Liphook Equine Hospital and has decades of experience treating sports horses at the highest levels of competition.  He will introduce the evening by discussing the services and facilities that Liphook Equine Hospital can offer on the road and at our purpose-built equine referral hospital.
Adam Jackson BSc, BVM&S, PGCert, PGDip, MRCVS
Adam is a Road Vet at Liphook Equine Hospital who has a particular interest in sports horse medicine.  He will guide us through the range of medications available for treating back problems, joint disease and musculoskeletal pain; and will also highlight the role of veterinary acupuncture in rehabilitation of the competition horse.
Professor Andy Durham BSc BVSc CertEP DEIM DipECEIM MRCVS
Andy is a Partner and head of the medicine referral team at Liphook Equine Hospital and is a European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine.  Andy will be discussing the importance of nutrition and management in optimising the health of your horse’s gastrointestinal system and minimising the risks of gastric ulcers and colic.
The evening is suitable for riders of all abilities, whether amateur or  professional.
To reserve your FREE place, please call our reception team on 01428 723594, or email:, or via our facebook page.


We are currently advertising for housevet positions (internships)  which will become available in late Summer 2014 and Spring 2015. We are seeking applications from qualified veterinary surgeons with at least a year of post graduate experience. The successful applicant will join a team of 4 housevets  for a fixed term of 18 months. The housevets are based at the hospital and will work closely with members of the medical and surgical teams to assist in the care and management of inpatients and the work-up and treament of horses referred to the hospital. Housevets will be exposed to a wide variety of clinical cases and have the opportunity to develop their skills in all fields of equine medicine and surgery, in particular critical care, anaesthesia, lameness work up and diagnostic imaging. A professional manner and excellent communication skills are essential as a significant role of the housevets is communication with owners. Non native English speakers need to be able to demonstrate that they are fluent in English and preferably have at least one year of experience of working in UK. The successful applicant will be expected to work  an equally shared out of hours rota with the other housevets. Accommodation is provided.
For further information and to request an application form please contact Barbara Thornley, Practice Administrator, Liphook Equine Hospital, Forest Mere, Liphook, GU30 7JG or via e-mail  to Closing date: 11th April 2014

Liphook Equine Hospital is scanning ahead of the others!

Liphook Equine Hospital are pleased to support Hampshire Horsewatch and Hampshire Constabulary’s  Equine Liaison  Officer scheme by purchasing  them a universal micro chip scanner as  used by our practice.
The scanner will be made available for police officers or Hampshire Horsewatch in the Liphook Equine Hospital area to use when there is a requirement to search a horse or perhaps another  animal for an implanted  micro chip. Micro chip scanners are not part of regular police issue equipment and there are times when there is an urgent need to scan a horse or other animal for identification purposes. A recent incident in Surrey where a horse received fatal injuries following a road traffic collision highlighted the need to be able scan animals at a scene or afterwards so that owners can be identified and contacted as soon as possible.
Owners details held by micro chip organisations  are only  relevant if they are up to date and current so it is very important that animal owners keep the micro chip companies informed of any changes to their personal information.

Essentials of Equine Practice Course, 6th June – 8th June 2014

This is a 3-day residential course held at Dunford House in Midhurst, and at the Liphook Equine Hospital. The course is aimed at recent veterinary graduates and those that only do a small amount of equine practice or want a general refresher. The course focuses exclusively on what you need to know in ambulatory equine practice and has a very practical emphasis. There is a charge of £495 which includes 2 nights’ accommodation, food and entertainment for all 3 days.

If you would like to book a place (or places) then please email      

Essentials of Equine Practice Course Information

Essentials of Equine Practice Booking Form



We would like to welcome back Holly Claridge who rejoins us as a member of the road vet team.

Some  of you may recognise Holly as she recently completed an 18 month internship as one of our house vets working on a wide variety of cases within the Hospital. Holly graduated from the RVC and spent the next 3 years in a mixed practice in Norfolk. She joined the Liphook Equine Hospital as a housevet in 2012 and we are delighted that she will now be adding to our road vet team. In her spare time Holly can often be found riding her horses or walking her dog Benson.
