Tuesday 13th May 2014
Doors Open at 7pm
Venue: Bisley Pavillion, Bisley Camp, Woking, Brookwood, Surrey GU24 0NY
Keeping your sports horse fit, strong and healthy all year round can be a challenge. We look forward to welcoming you to an evening of talks aimed at maximising performance, minimising injury, and optimising recovery to ensure a successful competition season for the amateur to the professional rider and from the novice to the advanced sports horse.
Stuart Duncan BVMS CertEP MRCVS
Stuart is a Senior Partner and Road Vet at Liphook Equine Hospital and has decades of experience treating sports horses at the highest levels of competition. He will introduce the evening by discussing the services and facilities that Liphook Equine Hospital can offer on the road and at our purpose-built equine referral hospital.
Adam Jackson BSc, BVM&S, PGCert, PGDip, MRCVS
Adam is a Road Vet at Liphook Equine Hospital who has a particular interest in sports horse medicine. He will guide us through the range of medications available for treating back problems, joint disease and musculoskeletal pain; and will also highlight the role of veterinary acupuncture in rehabilitation of the competition horse.
Professor Andy Durham BSc BVSc CertEP DEIM DipECEIM MRCVS
Andy is a Partner and head of the medicine referral team at Liphook Equine Hospital and is a European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine. Andy will be discussing the importance of nutrition and management in optimising the health of your horse’s gastrointestinal system and minimising the risks of gastric ulcers and colic.
The evening is suitable for riders of all abilities, whether amateur or professional.
To reserve your FREE place, please call our reception team on 01428 723594, or email: tasha.wilson@theleh.co.uk, or via our facebook page.