We hope you and your horses have a happy and healthy holiday. However, should your horse need us we are open for emergencies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The out of hours emergency telephone number is 01428 723594.


Wednesday 24th December Normal opening hours

Thursday 25th December Out of hours service

Friday 26th December Out of hours service

Saturday 27th December Urgent calls only 8.30am-12.30pm. From 12.30pm onwards is the out of hours service

Sunday 28th December Out of hours service

Monday 29th December Normal opening hours

Tuesday 30th December Normal opening hours

Wednesday 31st December Normal opening hours

Thursday 1st January Out of hours service

Friday 2nd January Normal opening hours

Laboratory Christmas and New Year 2014-15

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The Annual Health Check Scheme runs between 1st November and 28th February each year. During this time you can book you horse in for an annual health check and one of our ambulatory vets will come out to the yard to perform the check and you will be provided with a full written report of the examination, laboratory findings and any recommendations.

The Annual Health Check includes:

•Examination of your horse’s heart and lungs at rest 
•Examination and rasping of the teeth if required 
•Examination of your horse’s eyes 
•Review of your horse’s general bodily condition and opportunity to discuss your horse’s management and feeding
•Opportunity to discuss any health concerns about your horse with the vet 
•Faecal sample analysis for faecal worm egg count to monitor for intestinal parasites and the efficacy of your pasture management and de-worming programme 
•Blood sample taken for haematology, inflammatory profile and to check for liver and intestinal abnormalities. This does not include checking for cushings. If you wish to check for this, please discuss with your vet at the time of the visit

In addition, annual influenza and tetanus vaccinations can be performed at a 20% discount.

The cost of an Annual Health Check is currently £90.00 + VAT (+ standard visit fee) which represents a significant saving over the normal costs.

For further information or to book an appointment please call our reception team on 01428 723594


Equine Flu reported in Buckinghamshire

There has been a case of Equine Flu reported in Buckinghamshire, and there has been a steady stream of outbreaks all over the country.


We recommend that you check all of your horses passports to make sure they have been vaccinated within the last 12 months against flu.


If you are competing you may wish to consider 6 monthly intervals for increased immunity.


Please contact us if you have any queries on 01428 723594

Atypical Myopathy “Sycamore Poisoning” in Horses – information for owners

Atypical myopathy (“Sycamore poisoning”) is a potentially fatal disease of horses in the UK and Northern Europe caused by eating Sycamore seeds (“helicopters”) or possibly leaves.  The disease results in muscle damage and particularly affects the muscles that enable the horse to stand, the muscles that allow breathing and the heart muscle. As a result, horses can display a range of signs but typically become very dull, weak, tremble, show signs of pain may be unable to lift their heads or even remain standing.  Even with intensive veterinary treatment, severely affected horses often die. However, with prompt treatment cases can recover very quickly so IF YOU THINK YOUR HORSE MAY BE SHOWING SIGNS OF ATYPICAL MYOPATHY PLEASE CONTACT YOUR VET IMMEDIATELY.

What are the signs of Atypical Myopathy?

–          Muscle soreness

–          Stiffness

–          Muscle tremors

–          Weakness

–          Lethargy

–          Fast or laboured breathing

–          Reluctance to work

–          Red or brown urine

–          Choke

–          Whinnying

–          Head tossing or low head carriage

–          Fast or irregular heart beat

–          Sudden death


What causes atypical myopathy?

Horses suffering from atypical myopathy have high levels of a toxincalled hypoglycin A that prevents energy being produced within their muscle cells.The toxin is found within Sycamore (the European sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus)seeds and to a lesser extent in their leaves and it is therefore assumed that the disease is caused by horses eating Sycamore seeds. The disease is more common in the autumn (typically around October) and often occurs as an outbreak when large numbers of seeds are falling. Bad weather also seems to trigger the disease. The amount of toxin within seeds is variable and it is not understood why some seeds have more toxin than others nor is it understood how many seeds have to be eaten for a horse to become sick. It is likely that some horses will be more susceptible than others and as older horses are less likely to become affected it may be that they develop some tolerance to the toxin. Individual grazing habits and the condition of the pasture are also likely to determine why some horses become sick and others don’t. Smaller disease outbreaks also occur in the spring and it is speculated that this is because horses eat Sycamore seedlings which may also contain the toxin; however this is unproven as it has not been determined whether the toxin is present within seedlings.


How can I confirm whether my horse has atypical myopathy?

Vets may suspect a diagnosis of atypical myopathy on the basis of their clinical examination and the horse’s recent grazing history.  The presence of muscle damage can be confirmed by measuring levels of enzymes (such as creatine kinase or CK) in the blood that are released from damaged muscle cells. Very early sampling might not show the extent of the damage as it takes a number of hours for levels to peak. One of the most reliable signs is the presence of red or brown urine. There are very few diseases that will cause this to occur and if a horse has signs of atypical myopathy, and has been grazing near Sycamore trees, then the presence of red/brown urine is as good as proof that the horse has the disease. The dark colour is caused by the presence of muscle pigment (myoglobin) which is released from damaged muscle cells into the blood and is then removed by the kidneys.


What can be done to treat atypical myopathy?


In order to protect the kidneys from damage large quantities of fluids have to be given and for this to be achieved effectively hospitalisation is required. Fluids are also important because horses with atypical myopathy tend to become very dehydrated. Effective fluid therapy requires 24/7 nursing care. Atypical myopathy cases often become exceedingly painful and within a hospital it is possible to give infusions of powerful painkillers and anaesthetic drugs which cannot reasonably be administered anywhere else. 

Supplementary vitamins and minerals have been shown in one study to be helpful in the treatment of atypical myopathy.  In particular, carnitine, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 might support the function of muscle cells.  Vitamins C and E might be useful as anti-oxidants.

Reported mortality rates of clinical cases have ranged from 40% to 100% and vary from year to year.  Most affected horses that are alive 5 days after the start of clinical signs are likely to recover.  Initially recovery is slow, but most affected horses that recover go on to make a complete recovery and return to work with no long-term effects of the disease.


How can I prevent atypical myopathy in my horses?

Currently, Sycamore seeds and to a lesser extent leaves, are the only known source of the toxin that causes the disease; however it remains possible that the toxin may be found elsewhere. To our knowledge, every UK case has been linked with the European Sycamore. There is often concern over other members of the Acer family. Although thorough investigations of all tree species have not been performed, it appears as though some other North American and Japanese Acers (or Maples) that are grown as garden trees and shrubs can produce the toxin; however Acer Campestre or the “Field Maple” which is common in hedgerows does not appear to produce the toxin.

Where you know there are European Sycamores (Acer Pseudoplanatus) close enough for seeds and leaves to drop on your grazing you should consider the following precautions:

–          Checking fields carefully for Sycamore leaves and seeds (see images attached)

–          Fencing off areas where Sycamore seeds and leaves have fallen

–          Hoover-up/pick up sycamore seeds off the pasture

–          Turning horses out horses for shorter periods

–          Provide extra forage (hay or haylage) especially where pasture is poor or grazing is tight

–          Reducing stocking density so there is plenty of good grazing for every horse

When a case is seen or suspected, then field mates should be removed from the pasture and blood tested to see whether they too have muscle damage and could be developing the disease.  Provision of antioxidants, B vitamins and amino acid supplements may be worthwhile in these cases.Unfortunately outbreaks of disease are common.

If you would like further advice on reducing the risk of your horse contracting atypical myopathy, please contact your vet.  Further information can also be obtained from this excellent website:  Atypical Myopathy Alert Group: We would also urge you to report any cases of atypical myopathy via the website; with a greater understanding of where and when the disease is occurring we can hopefully work towards more effective prevention and treatment in the future. 


‘Seasonal Pasture Myopathy’ Lecture Evening

Raising awareness of this growing autumnal killer disease!

Presented by

Professor Andy Durham

Andy is a partner and head of the medicine referral team at Liphook Equine Hospital and is a European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine.


Date:      Wednesday 12th November 2014

Venue:   Liphook Equine Hospital, Forest Mere, Liphook, Hampshire, GU30 7JG

Time:      Doors open 7pm for food & drinks / Prompt 7.30pm start

Cost:       Free of charge

Food & drink will be provided


For further information, or to book your place please contact:

Tasha Wilson on 01428 723594  or via email







Equine Atypical Myopathy – Your questions answered!

In light of recent cases and the latest research of Atypical Myopathy, Liphook Equine Hospital invites you to the hospital for a short meeting to discuss what can be done to minimise this distressing disease.

We are holding 2 dates which are:

Thursday 30th October at 7pm – FULLY BOOKED 
Tuesday 4th November at 7pm – FULLY BOOKED

NEW DATE: Thursday 13th November 

Venue: Liphook Equine Hospital, Forest Mere, Liphook, Hampshire, GU30 7JG

Numbers are limited so to reserve your place please contact our reception team on 01428 723594, or by email:, or via our facebook page.

You are invited to a client meeting on Atypical Myopathy

Equine Atypical Myopathy – Your questions answered!

In light of recent cases and the latest research of Atypical Myopathy, Liphook Equine Hospital invites you to the hospital for a short meeting to discuss what can be done to minimise this distressing disease.

We are holding 2 dates which are:

Thursday 30th October at 7pm – FULLY BOOKED 
Tuesday 4th November at 7pm – FULLY BOOKED

NEW DATE: Thursday 13th November 

Venue: Liphook Equine Hospital, Forest Mere, Liphook, Hampshire, GU30 7JG

Numbers are limited so to reserve your place please contact our reception team on 01428 723594, or by email:, or via our facebook page.

**** Pioneering surgery on the island – a UK first ******

A post from Vectis Equine Vets:

“Many thanks to Professor Andy Durham from The Liphook Equine Hospital for coming over to the island on Saturday to perform sight saving surgery on a shetland pony at the IOW Donkey sanctuary. To our knowledge this was the first time this surgery had ever been performed on a sedated pony in the UK. 

We are continually grateful to Liphook Equine Hospital for the support they give to enable our clients to have world class treatments here on the Isle of Wight. We may live on an island but rest assured the care you are receiving would not be available in most of the rest of the UK!! 

Jet had a nasty corneal ulceration on his right eye which presented 2 weeks ago. Normal treatments with antibiotics drops and intra-ocular plasma had failed to make an improvement. The ulcer was getting deeper and threatening to perforate which would mean the eye would have to be removed. 

Andy used a piece of equine placenta that had been specially prepared and then stored frozen at Liphook Equine Hospital. This “amnion graft” was then used as a biological bandage to cover the ulcer. The surgery was pioneered by Dennis Brooks at the university of Florida and has been performed in the states and at Liphook Equine Hospital. Normally the surgery would require a general anaesthetic so the graft could be sutured directly to the cornea. Alternatively the graft can be sutured to the margins of the eye (the conjunctiva) so the whole surface of the eye is covered by the graft. This is less fiddly and so can be performed in a sedated animal. So far this technique has been used twice on horses at Liphook Equine Hospital but as far as we are aware Jet is the first pony in the UK to have the procedure done under sedation. After the graft is in place the eyelids are then sutured closed over the graft to protect it.

We will open Jet’s eye in 7 days to see how we’ll it is progressing but it is likely the graft will stay in place for at least 2 weeks. We’ll keep you updated on his progress! “


