Liphook Equine Hospital offers 18 month positions for recently qualified veterinary graduates that we call ‘housevets’. The housevet programme stands out as an exceptional experience compared with many internship programmes as it offers:
- A clearly defined role within an approachable team of experienced equine clinicians
- An opportunity to work with the largest team of RCVS/European equine medicine and surgery specialists in the UK
- An opportunity to work with a large team of skilled nurses
- An opportunity to develop and expand the skills learned in your first year(s) in practice in a supportive hospital setting
- Hands-on involvement in a wide range of medical and surgical procedures
- Responsibility for client contact and liaison from admission to discharge
- Active participation in lameness investigations – it is part of the housevet’s job to perform nerve blocks and joint blocks not watch someone else doing it!
- Responsibility for general anaesthesia of our diverse surgical caseload with support from ECVAA specialists.
- On site accommodation in a well-equipped flat whilst on call and local village accommodation provided for housevets when not on call.
The comprehensive and practical experience obtained during the housevet programme prepares young vets for a future career in any field of equine veterinary work.
An application form, including a CV and letter of intent, for housevet positions starting in the Spring and Summer 2018 should be sent to Barbara Thornley at post@theleh.co.uk. Applicants are encouraged to visit the hospital before applying. Closing date for applications 12th December 2017 and short-listed candidates will be invited for interview in early January.