Archive for the General Category

Only 1 week to go to get a FREE cushing’s test!

Until the end of October, FREE blood test vouchers (which are now paperless) are available at:

When horses and ponies are prone to laminitis it is important to test for Cushing’s disease, amongst other underlying hormonal diseases. Although many people think that Cushing’s is a disease seen only in geriatric patients it has now been shown that many (up to one third) of 10 to 15 year olds may be affected.

For more information on Cushing’s disease please click on the following link:…/cushings.pdf

New Podcast – Investigating Liver Disease – What’s New?

We are delighted to launch our latest podcast on Liver Disease.  Here are a few of the papers we discuss in the podcast:

Quigley et al (2017) Prevalence of liver fluke infection in Irish horses and assessment of a serological test for diagnosis of equine fasciolosis:  doi: 10.1111/evj.12577


Pfaender S et al (2015) Clinical course of infection and viral tissue tropism of hepatitis C virus-like nonprimate hepaciviruses in horses. Hepatology, 61, 447-59: doi: 10.1002/hep.27440


liver photo for podcast


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New Podcast – Care of the Acute Laminitic

We are delighted to launch our next podcast with Victoria South in discussion with Jamie Prutton and Tom Hughes; three vets from our Hospital specialist team.  We treat a number of severe acute laminitics, and chronic laminitis cases here at the hospital – they are particularly rewarding cases that demand close collaboration between our medics, orthopaedic specialists and farriers.

You can download the “Acute care of the laminitic” Podcast here.

In this podcast we refer to Total Foot Protection’s impression material and foam foot pads.  Here is a photo series of the impression material being applied to the foot, being allowed to set underneath a rigid plate, being cut to shape, and finally the foam pad being taped in place:


Don’t forget to follow the Liphook Equine Hospital Laboratory Facebook Group which is exclusive for vets – with more “how to’s”, useful downloads, and news on our latest podcasts:

The Liphook Equine Hospital Autumn E-Newsletter is OUT NOW!

Our Autumn E-Newsletter has just gone out, did you get a copy? If you didn’t and would like to subscribe, please email
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Liphook Equine Hospital Podcast

Podbean logoWe are thrilled to announce that our first Podcasts is available to download today.  It features Victoria South in conversation with Andy Durham about recent advances in our understanding of insulin dysregualtion and how to test for it (and assess laminitis risk in general).

Podcast – Insulin Dysregulation

We discussed a few papers in the podcasts – here are links to some of the papers:

Bertin and de Laat EVJ Sept 2017

Bamford Vet J 2016

Equine Endocrinology Group 






Liphook Equine Hospital Pathology Services launches

We are thrilled to launch our new histopathology service.  Unique to LEH Laboratory, each sample will have a personalised clinical interpretation by one of our medicine specialists in addition to routine histopathological description and comments.  We provide free histopathology kits that contain a formalin-filled pot, submission form, suitable packaging, and are labelled to our Pathology Service’s direct postal address for speedy delivery of samples.  Please contact the Laboratory to obtain these free packs or alternatively, download our Histopathology submission form and Pre-paid labels.

Come and see us at the BEVA Congress 2017

If your heading to BEVA Congress this week (13th -16th September), which is held at The ACC – Kings Dock – Liverpool – L3 4PF, come and visit us on stand 310. We look forward to seeing you there!


New Laminitis Chapter for our No Nonsense Guide

We are delighted to release a new chapter on Endocrinopathic laminitis in our No Nonsense Guide to Equine Clinical Pathology.   An electronic version is available to download here, or you can order a hard copy to slot into your current Guide by emailing the Laboratory.  You can also pick up your free copy of the whole guide or the new chapter from our stand at BEVA Congress 2017.


An introduction to the No Nonsense Guide to Equine Clinical Pathology:

At Liphook Equine Hospital Laboratory we aim to provide the latest evidence-based practical advice straight from the mouths of international researchers and their latest publications.  We distill this research into a quick reference guide for busy vets out on the road.  To minimise our carbon footprint, we simply re-write the relevant chapters where required and make them available online and in print.


An update on the TRH stimulation test- now available all year round!

Did you know that Liphook Equine Hospital Laboratory now have reference intervals for the TRH stimulation test so it can be used throughout the year?

Historically, data from Liphook Equine Hospital showed that there was a seasonal influence on TRH stimulation results and that seasonal cut-offs were needed to use the test in the Autumn.  Whilst that information was not available, vets were unable to use the TRH stimulation test from July to November.

Recently, Amanda Adams of the University of Kentucky performed TRH stimulation tests on normal horses every month of the year and calculated seasonal reference intervals so that the test can now be interpreted with accuracy throughout the year.  Therefore, if you have equivocal ACTH results and clinical suspicions of equine Cushing’s disease (PPID), then the TRH stimulation test can be used regardless of the time of year.

If you would like the Laboratory to supply your veterinary practice with TRH and the instructions for the test, then please contact the laboratory by phone 01428 729509 or email:



