Liphook Equine Hospital is scanning ahead of the others!

Liphook Equine Hospital are pleased to support Hampshire Horsewatch and Hampshire Constabulary’s  Equine Liaison  Officer scheme by purchasing  them a universal micro chip scanner as  used by our practice.
The scanner will be made available for police officers or Hampshire Horsewatch in the Liphook Equine Hospital area to use when there is a requirement to search a horse or perhaps another  animal for an implanted  micro chip. Micro chip scanners are not part of regular police issue equipment and there are times when there is an urgent need to scan a horse or other animal for identification purposes. A recent incident in Surrey where a horse received fatal injuries following a road traffic collision highlighted the need to be able scan animals at a scene or afterwards so that owners can be identified and contacted as soon as possible.
Owners details held by micro chip organisations  are only  relevant if they are up to date and current so it is very important that animal owners keep the micro chip companies informed of any changes to their personal information.

