LEH donate stock to The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust

Clinic nurse Emily Buckley RVN paid a visit to The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust to drop off some surplus stock. The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust (GHDT) is VetPartners charity of the year,  and is a small charity, registered in both the UK and The Gambia. The aim of the GHDT is to reduce rural poverty in The Gambia through improving the health, welfare and productivity of ALL animals, but working animals in particular.

We’re so pleased our stock made the shipment in time, and is now in The Gambia helping horses and donkeys in need!


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We have been a client of LEH for nearly 30 years. From minor wounds to major surgery LEH have provided us with highest quality care. From the receptionists, nurses through to the surgeons and road vets who run our monthly clinics we have always received a friendly, helpful and professional service.

— Caroline Ewen, Hewshott Farm, Hampshire