Liphook Equine Hospital is pleased to invite you to an evening of CPD focusing on the equine foot. The evening is being held at the Millenium Hall in Liphook on Wednesday 15th April; light refreshments from 7pm for a prompt 7.30pm start.
We are pleased that Dr Lorenzo D’Arpe Med. Vet. PhD, a vet and farrier from Italy, will be joining us to give his perspective on management of the laminitic foot. Tom Hughes MA VetMB CertES(Orth) Dipl.ECVS MRCVS and Russell Parker BVSc. MSc. DiplECVS MRCVS from Liphook Equine Hospital will address what recent publications have taught us about the equine foot, and surgery of the equine hoof capsule.
Attendance is free but space is limited so an early reply is advised. If you would like to attend the meeting on the 15th April then please email or call the reception team on 01428 727200.