Please find below copies of our most frequently requested information for your convenience.

Why do we measure Adiponectin in EMS cases?

How do I perform a Karo Light Corn Syrup dynamic test to assessing insulin dysregulation?

Our three medicine specialists are always happy to hear from vets in practice with queries on the investigation and management of laminitis cases, and the development of practice guidelines on endocrine screening of acute and chronic laminitis cases – please feel to email them with any queries:  Andy and Jamie.

There is an excellent resource for investigating endocrinopathic laminitis hosted by Dr Nick Frank at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.  The articles are written by the Equine Endocrine Group; a group of researchers and clinicians dedicated to advancing our understanding of endocrine disorders in horses.  The website has wonderful user-friendly summaries of current research on EMS and PPID that are regularly updated with current evidence and can be easily integrated into practice.

Please find below some useful downloads for submissions to the Laboratory.  If you have any further queries with regards to submissions, packaging or address labels, please feel free to contact our Laboratory by email at  or by phone: 01428 729509.

Submission Forms

Samples required for each test

Import license for EU submissions

Pre-paid address label

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What our clients say


For many years our practice have used the LEH lab for our clinical pathology work. Andy and the rest of his team offer an amazingly efficient, thorough and friendly service. The advice and support they provide is on an individual case by case basis and has proved invaluable many times. This close working relationship makes them feel like the ‘extremely knowledgable’ colleague within the practice!

— Alistair Field MRCVS, Clent Hills Veterinary Group, Worcs.